Garrett (@gar1t) is programmer at CloudBees, the company behind Jenkins CI and industry leading Java platform-as-a-service. There he leads the use of Erlang to manage platform services and infrastructure. He has over 20 years development experience and specializes in distributed systems and reliable software. Garrett organizes the Chicago Erlang User Group, teaches Erlang, and is a frequent speaker at alternative technology conferences. He is the creator of the popular videos MongoDB Is Web Scale, Node.js Is Bad Ass Rock Star Tech, and recently Erlang The Movie II The Sequel. He is the author and maintainer of e2, Psycho, Erlang CZMQ bindings, Erlang Redis client, and many others.
Garrett maintains his blog at
If you're of the opinion that rodents can't improve our thinking about software, think again! In this talk, Garrett will introduce Bouncy Squirrel - a small, furry agent of enlightenment that helped him rethink traditional software paradigms. This talk will kick off Lambda Days 2015 with a personal account of of inner conflict and the reconciling idea that an actually useful pattern language might finally bring peace to warring language factions.