John Hughes

Co-Designer Of Haskell And Quickcheck

John Hughes has been a functional programming enthusiast for more than thirty years, at the Universities of Oxford, Glasgow, and since 1992 Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden. He served on the Haskell design committee, co-chairing the committee for Haskell 98, and is the author of more than 100 papers, including "Why Functional Programming Matters", one of the classics of the area. With Koen Claessen, he created QuickCheck, the most popular testing tool among Haskell programmers, and in 2006 he founded Quviq to commercialise the technology using Erlang.

Late last year, David Turner, a giant of our field and regular Lambda Days participant, passed away unexpectedly. Many may remember chatting to him in the coffee breaks—he was one of the nicest people you could hope to meet.


David was an advocate of functional programming back when Fortran and Cobol ruled the roost of high-level programming languages. His work was an inspiration to many, and his influence on many of our careers was profound. In this session four of us will recall the man, what he meant to us personally, and some of his most influential work.

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