Arthur Jamet

PhD Student and Functional enthusiast

PhD Student at the University of Kent and EPITECH graduate, I was introduced to the world of functional programming 5 years ago. I fell in love with it when I chose to do my master's dissertation in Haskell “just for the fun of it”.

While I have most experience with web technologies, I'm interested in the use of the functional paradigm to tackle real-world problems.

Language Servers are one of the most important pieces of software used by programmers. We use them all the time, but their plug-and-play nature tend to make us forget about them. 

It's hard to understand how Language Servers work without making one. Unfortunately, not many people encounter the need to write such programs. Therefore, Language Servers appear as magic black boxes that “just work”.

But in reality, Language Servers are actually quite simple pieces of software.

In this talk, we will uncover the mysteries and workings of Language Servers, and showcase that functional languages like Haskell are (almost) perfect candidates for them.
