Gergő Érdi has extended GHC by adding pattern synonyms, used SMT solvers to analyze old text adventure games, created the ICFP 2017 Bingo, programmed AVR microcontrollers and the Commodore 64 in Rust before it was cool, and wrote a book on Clash, the Haskell to FPGA compiler; but still finds it weird to write about himself in the third person.
FPGAs can bring the versatility of custom chip design to the desktop of the hobbyist. But what does it look like to actually make something fun out of an FPGA, and how can Haskell help with that?
In this talk, we'll find out what an FPGA even is, and then learn just enough Clash to build, in full detail, a fully functioning Flappy Bird circuit. Turns out, all we need to do is count to 419,200 and the rest just follows!
Demistify FPGAs and show how a little Clash code can get you all the way to where you only have to worry about pure Haskell code to create an amazing(ly simple) games console!