Hécate C

Backend engineer at Scrive AB

They are involved in the Haskell community and at the Haskell foundation on the topics of documentation, fostering inclusivity, and industrial development with the language.

They work during the day at Scrive AB, a Swedish company building a contract signature platform using the power of Haskell in production.


We will approach the topic of Effect Systems to write Haskell applications, understand why it is important to have semantic effect tracking in your software, and see how it all fits into the design and maintenance of software systems. We will explore the design of effect systems since the early days, and see how Effectful, developed for industrial needs of performance and ease-of-use, fares in 2025.


Get an understanding of the trade-offs between effect systems in Haskell, and understand the need for semantic effect tracking


Industrial software developers, and people who are acquainted with Haskell.
