Magnus Madsen

Associate Professor @ Aarhus University

Magnus Madsen is the lead author of the Flix programming language and an associate professor at Aarhus University.

His research interests are in functional and logic programming, programming language design, compilers, and type and effect systems.

His personal webpage is at:

I will present an introduction to effect-oriented programming, a new and upcoming programming paradigm focused on _effects. Effect systems hold great promise for the future of programming. Like type systems, effect systems help programmers reason about their programs, enforce modularity, enable compiler optimizations, and allow for a new style of programming where every function is described not just by the types of its arguments and its return type, but also by its effect: its impact on the environment.

I will introduce effect-oriented programming in the context of the Flix programming language ( a full-scale attempt at an effect-oriented programming language with great tool support.
