Nicolas writes code for J.P. Morgan, where we use Scala to make some very complicated things seem very simple.
After too many years as a Java programmer and a thankfully brief stint in marketing, Nicolas discovered Functional Programming through Scala and fell in love. Since then, he's made it his mission to learn and explain the scary bits, by focusing on practical applications.
Nicolas is also the author and sole maintainer of a few useful OSS libraries, such as kantan.csv.
Programming languages are a large amount of our day to day work and, for some of us, our hobbies. And I am very much of the opinion that in order to fully understand our tools, we must be able to make them ourselves.
In this talk, I will show you how to create a programming language from scratch. You will come away from this with a deeper understanding of, and insights on, your tools. It will also teach you what you need to write powerful DSLs, which in my experience can be an absolute game changer when maintaining software whose purpose I'm not an expert on, but I do have access to experts.
This is meant for any coder who's at least a little curious about how programming languages work under the hood, or who have seen these odd inference rules syntax and wondered what these could possibly mean.