Paweł Szulc is a seasoned developer with a rich background in functional programming languages, including Scala and Haskell. Known in the developer community as "EncodePanda," Paweł is passionate about exploring complex software design patterns and bridging the gap between practicality and expressiveness in code.
Recently, Paweł has expanded his expertise to include Rust, intrigued by its powerful system-level programming capabilities and the language’s emphasis on memory safety without sacrificing performance. His transition to Rust aligns well with his interest in leveraging expressive type systems to write robust, efficient software.
Distributed systems are hard. Ensuring correctness while managing communication, concurrency, and coordination can feel like orchestrating a chaotic dance of independent processes. But what if we could choreograph our distributed programs?
Choreographic Programming is a paradigm that allows us to specify the global behaviour of a system from a high-level perspective, letting the implementation of individual participants emerge correctly by construction. This talk will introduce the core ideas of Choreographic Programming and explore how it fits naturally into the world of Functional Programming.
Whether you're a functional programmer exploring distributed systems or an engineer seeking better abstractions, this talk will challenge your perspective and keep you engaged with exciting new ideas.