Wendy Randolph

NimbleLogic, Software Developer

Wendy participates in several projects related to community building, the getting-started experience, and creative problem-solving.

She has been a part of Clojure Camp since 2022, helping both mentors and learners succeed. In early 2024, she released Fabric Stash, a Clojure web-app for encouraging sustainability and organization for sewists & fiber artists. Soon after, she joined nimblelogic where she is currently building web-apps in Elixir. 

She can generally be found encouraging others, being silly, and constantly moving. She enjoys garment sewing, jazz dance, sports cars, and (if it wasn’t obvious) Disney.


Clojure and Elixir each offer unique approaches to building scalable web apps. I’ll walk you through the benefits and trials of using Clojure and then Elixir to build the exact same web app. Clojure offers flexibility but requires careful stack decisions, while Elixir’s Phoenix framework offers an opinionated, plug-and-play experience. After walking through both applications, you’ll get a better idea of which one appeals to you more.
