Kamil is a solutions architect at Samsung R&D and cybersecurity PhD student at Warsaw University of Technology. He has been involved in Government projects related to data security. Previously he was engaged in open source communities, managed a team of developers, spoken at conferences in almost 20 countries, had guest lectures at the best Polish technical universities, as well as at Stanford University and Cape Town University.
Hyperpersonalisation is not a trend anymore. It is a new normal*. With every new device, service or app a promise of fulfillment of our needs and ultimate adaptability is sold to us. What is hidden from our sight is the real purpose of the flawless software and shiny gadgets; they extort data, fight for our attention and play on individual and collective vulnerabilities. Personal security, psychological health, equal opportunities, social tissue, democracy - all those concepts can be destroyed by reckless use of technology or preserved and cherished by it. How to introduce values in the process of development of new technologies? How to make it truly humane and make sure it serves good purposes? Karolina Iwańska, a lawyer from Panoptykon Foundation and Kamil Grondys, a senior solutions architect from Samsung Electronics will present you an overview of the main ideas on the macro (EU regulation) and micro (programming team) scale.
Reading list:
1. Ethical AI: - White Paper on AI - what to expect from new European regulations:
PL: https://panoptykon.org/sztuczna-inteligencja-konsultacje-bialej-ksiegi
- AI myths debunked, decisions behind AI systems, what is AI good at?
EN: https://medium.com/@szymielewicz/black-boxed-politics-cebc0d5a54ad
PL: https://panoptykon.org/sztuczna-inteligencja-non-fiction
3. Big regulation for the big ones: - History of the Internet. What went wrong:
PL: https://panoptykon.org/jak-naprawic-internet-dsa
EN: https://medium.com/swlh/a-new-deal-for-data-1c6d7c850e25 -
-First attempt to trim power of the platforms. European Commision’s - Digital Services Act and Digital Market Act:
PL: https://panoptykon.org/DSA-regulacja-platform
4. Small things matter - Is your site privacy friendly: PL: https://panoptykon.org/strona-zgodna-z-RODO *Support
Panoptykon [KRS: 0000327613]* PL: https://panoptykon.org/wolnosc-sie-liczy
EN: en.panoptykon.org/support-us