Dr. Marco T. Morazán joined Seton Hall in 1999. He did his undergraduate studies at Rutgers University and his graduate work at the City University of New York. At Seton Hall he teaches at all levels of the Computer Science curriculum including his signature courses: Introduction to Program Design I and II, Organization of Programming Languages, and Automata Theory and Computability. His main research foci are the implementation of programming languages and Computer Science Education. As the graduate school advisor, he takes special pride in making sure that his students are prepared to continue studies outside of Seton Hall. Dr. Morazán is a strong proponent of undergraduate research opportunities and routinely has students collaborate with him on projects. Along with his undergraduate research students, he is responsible for an optimal lambda lifting algorithm and an effective mechanism for closure memoization. In Computer Science education, he is especially proud of the effectiveness of the Computer Science curriculum, based on the development of video games, he has developed for beginners.
How to transition from functional programming to OO programming using program by design.