James Carlson


I was a mathematics professor for almost all of my professional life, though I've dabbled with computers ever since a summer job in college (IBM 1620, punched cards, Fortran).

After retirement, I started programming more seriously and eventually discovered the joys (and they are great) of functional programming. Most of my work has been in Elm, though I've used Haskell for one small project; I hope to get better at that language one day.


With functional languages like Elm that target the browser, one can parse and render both classical and novel markup languages  in real time, providing authors a pleasant, zero-config tool for writing and distributing mathematical text.   The talk will outline how one designs and builds a fault-tolerant parser that provides high-quality, real-time error messages in-place in the rendered text.  As case studies we consider two markup languages: MiniLaTeX, a subset of LaTeX, and L1, an experimental markup with a syntax inspired by Lisp.

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